Keeping in the view the rise in criminal prosecution of doctors, which is both embarrassing and harassing for them, and to protect them from frivolous and unjust prosecutions a legal cell has been launched to assist the healthcare professionals.The Association of Healthcare Providers (AHPI) and The National Law School of India University (NLSIU) have come together to provide third party expert opinion whenever individual doctors or institutions need so. This can be availed by all registered healthcare organisations like nursing homes and hospitals and individual healthcare professionals like doctors, consultants and surgeons.
Though the larger hospitals have their own legal cell to deal with such situations, it would be advantageous to have an unbiased third party legal opinion on the litigation and the manner in which the case is to be handled ''With the increasing instances of legal issues in the medical profession, AHPI and NLSIU have set up a legal cell to address matters relating to Individual Consultants and Hospitals. Members can be assured of a high-quality credible opinion from the best Law School of the country,'' said Dr Alexander Thomas, President AHPI.
AHPI will act as the Nodal organisation to which the cases can be referred. NLSIU will arbitrate between the complainant and the individual doctor and institution for an amicable settlement. It will also be able to suggest advocates for representing in the court and will also provide expert legal opinion on any other matter relating to healthcare industry.
A basic knowledge of how judicial forums deal with the cases relating to medical negligence is of absolute necessity for doctors. Instances of litigation against individual doctors and hospitals are on the rise and the exorbitant compensation awarded by the consumer fora and courts has worsened the situation. A legal cell in this regard would help the doctor community get advice and support.