2inch Earring Removed from 12mo girl’s Windpipe at B.J. Wadia Hospital
Gunjan Chauhan
12 month old Kushi Soni from Kurla had swallowed an earring accidentally. The team of doctors at Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children performed Bronchoscopy and successfully removed it.
Kushi while playing had accidentally swallowed earring, this led to fever and cough. Her mother took her to the paediatrician and was prescribed medicines, but that did not help. Kushi was later admitted to a public hospital for 3 days. She started facing difficulty in breathing.The doctors did an X ray but nothing was diagnosed as the foreign body was stuck in the upper throat. The child’s health was worsening so the doctors intubated her and referred to higher center. Kushi was kept in Private hospital for 3 days. Then Kushi was referred to Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children.
Dr. Divya Prabhat,Head ENT, Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children “Accidental ingestion of foreign bodies go unnoticed as there’s no history from the children. Bronchoscopy equipment with Anaesthetia experts and infrastructure at the Wadia Hospital makes us do such difficult life saving cases with ease in just a couple of minutes. Our team evaluated the case and within 30 minutes of admission of the child she was treated. She was then taken to Operaion theatre after an X ray where we detected the foreign object”.
“The Endotracheal Tube was removed and Bronchoscopy was performed and the Foreign Body (Ear Ring) was removed. No surgery or tracheostomy was thus required for this life saving emergency procedure.The child has been now extubated and tolerating feeds very well.” Added Dr. Prabhat.
Dr. Minnie Bodhanwala, CEO Wadia Hospitals, “Such cases are very critical in nature and at times need urgent attention. Our doctors at Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospitals for Childrens took no time to address the situation and now baby Kushi is out of danger. We at our hospitals always try to touch the lives of people in one way or another and this is possible only because of the clinical excellence possessed by our doctors, and we are very proud about it” .