Brains Introduces Cutting-edge machine to ease spine surgery with 100 % accuracy
Gunjan Chauhan
Moving ahead with the growing pace of technology, Bengaluru based Brains Hospital has recently acquired the cutting-edge mobile fluroscopy machine - Ziehm Hybrid RFD 3D HE Intra-operative Imaging System. Brains is the first hospital in India to house this world’s best high-end equipment used for spine surgery that gives 100 percent accuracy& 3D Imaging.
What’s so special about this machine?
Surgery of the spine and nerves have to be under taken with utmost meticulousness and accuracy. Even a slight variation can lead to serious consequences as well as disability.
So, this highly mobile apparatus, offers surgeons three dimensional imaging with exceptional clarity, helping them achieve pin-point precision with never-before confidence and speed. At Brains, surgeons pair the Ziehm with another first-in-India technology, the Stryker navigation system NAV3i , a computer-assisted, navigation guidance suite that gives real-timefeedback about the position, direction and progress of surgeryaided by in-built pre-programmed and planned safety checks. Thus BRAINS has established the first of its kind Hybrid operation theatre for the spine surgery.
Deployed together, these two systems have helped doctors achieve perfection in spinal surgery and reduce the chances of errors to near zero.
Dr. Venkataramana NK, Founder & Chief Neurosurgeon, Brains Hospital said: “These technologies enable our surgeons to operate with extremely small incisions with minimal invasiveness and muscle dissection without disturbing the joints, ligaments and other supportive elements. They also greatly enhance the possibility of using minimally invasive surgery for fixing unstable spines percutaneously, using key holes.”
“Pushing our capabilities in spinal surgery even further we have inducted sophisticated neuro-spinal endoscopy systems and technologies like the Foramenoscopy, that helps us perform state-of-the-art spinal surgeries with world-class precision and excellent outcomes,” he further added.