The institute will be henceforth known as North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Folk Medicine ResearchThe Union Cabinet has given its approval for changing the nomenclature and mandate of the North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine (NEIFM) as the North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Folk Medicine Research (NEIAFMR).Keeping in view the need, the proposal was made to change the nomenclature and mandate of North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine (NEIFM) to North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Folk Medicine Research (NEIARMR) for imparting quality education and research in Ayurveda and folk medicine at Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh. The consequential changes will also be carried out in the Memorandum of Association & Rules and Regulations. The inclusion of Ayurveda within the mandate of the institute will be highly beneficial for the people of the North East region for imparting quality education and research in Ayurveda and folk medicine. The institute will also provide opportunities for students of Ayurveda and Folk medicine not only in India but also the neighbouring countries such as Tibet, Bhutan, Mongolia, Nepal, China and other Central Asian countries.The NEIFM, Pasighat was established for systemic research, documentation and validation of traditional folk medicine and health practices of the region. The objectives for which the institute was established include to function as an apex research centre for all aspects of folk medicine, to create an interface between traditional healers and scientific research, survey, documentation and validation of folk medicine practices, remedies and therapies for possible usage in public healthcare and future research etc.