Celebration of International Yoga Day at the Manipal Hospitals Bengaluru 2019
IMT News Desk
International Yoga Day is a day to rejoice the authentic origin of yoga, to identify that Yoga provides a holistic approach to health and well-being. And finally to raise awareness on the benefits of practicing yoga amongst the staffs & Patients. We Manipal Hospitals regularly conduct Holistic Wellness Program sessions every month as part of employee & patient’s wellness program. This yoga day we are planning to reach all the Patients and staffs at various locations at one time on all floors to promote wellness.Speaking on the occasion Vanamala Deepak, yoga and Wellness coach, trained from the reputed SVYASA university said “I must congratulate the senior management & HR team at Manipal Hospitals for investing time and energy on their employees and patient attendants, in form of conducting the Holistic Wellness sessions, which has seen a huge benefits for the employees mental and physical wellbeing.”'Yoga' is the awakening of higher Consciousness existing within each one of us. Higher Consciousness, brings with it Internal Harmony, Excellent Physical Health, Calmness and freedom from all Pain. A desirable state indeed!! And Yoga is a very natural & scientific method to achieve this Health and Harmony.It is indeed heartening to see a Leader in healthcare, like Manipal Hospital, eagerly adopting Yoga. Employees and Patients alike participated very enthusiastically in International Yoga Day. An hour of holistic Yoga, comprising of Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation and Yoga Nidra was conducted and received wholeheartedly at the Hospital Premises. Handouts on the practices were distributed to all present. Senior doctors present on the floor, spoke about the benefits of Yoga and inspire participants to continue the practices diligently for their overall health and well-being. Yoga thus is making inroads into every nook of the world and will definitely; bring in the much needed Peace. Peace which is innate in human beings as well as peace outside for the world at large.