More than 1200 delegates from all over the state, Bangladesh, South Africa & Vietnam in addition speakers from Nepal, USA & Germany participated in hands on course for the first time.
· Masicon 2018 is the annual conference of ASI host by Zen Hospital
· Key speakers were from Bangladesh, South Africa, Vietnam, Nepal, USA & Germany
· Four Day’s Conference was organised from 25th to 28th Jan 2018 at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai.
MASICON 2018 is annual conference of ASI, Maharashtra state chapter. More than 1200 delegates from all over the state, in addition delegates from Bangladesh, South Africa and Vietnam and speakers from Nepal, Germany and USA were part of the discussion. For the first time both national and international faculty were a part of this program. Masicon 2018 program was an action packed 4 days with Hands on courses for the first time too. The objective of conference was to train young, budding more than 100 surgeons from peripheral Maharashtra for various procedures where they were trained on porcine models under the guidance of experts. The conference highlighted a talk by Col Lt Rai on the Kargil war and a masterclass on fistula in Ano.
Masicon 2018 highlighted chronic wounds, management in todays era of MDR TB, piles-old to new, breast lump, live surgery, hands on surgery and much more with renowned Dr Roy Patankar, Dr Pratap Sinha Varute, Dr Jyotsna Kulkarni and many more. Hands on course were widely proposed that surgeons, before introducing a novel laparoscopic technique in man, should practice in an appropriate animal model for acquisition of the necessary technical skills, the effectiveness of those hands-on training courses are rarely documented. Complex laparoscopic procedures (i.e., laparoscopic spine surgery) were taught by in vivo hands-on training courses. We propose that for refinements and modifications of the technique (e.g. the lumboscopic approach), there should also first be training in a large animal model before these are applied in man.
Dr Roy Patankar, Gastroenterologist & Director, Zen Hospital Says, “To provide optimal benefits for patients, we are glad to train more than 100 young surgeons from peripheral Maharashtra along with well known surgeons from across the country shared their experiences and knowledge on this platform.”