Multiple Sclerosis- its impact on youngsters, especially women, leading to disabilities and dependency
Gunjan Chauhan
Vikram Hospital, Bengaluru’s trusted quaternary care and multi-specialty hospital along with Multiple Sclerosis Society of India (MSSI) organized a special health awareness camp on the eve of World Multiple Sclerosis Day, wherein over 50 patients were medically examined.On this occasion, Vikram Hospital, Bengaluru donated specialized wheel chairs to Multiple Sclerosis Society of India (MSSI) for MS patients.The program aimed to raise awareness on the recent advances of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and its therapy, which ultimately benefits families and patients affected with this chronic disorder. Young patients were enlightened on various aspects of the disease by renowned neurologists from Vikram Hospital Bengaluru.
World MS Day serves as an important reminder of the real challenges faced by thousands of people living with MS each day. MS is a chronic central nervous system (CNS) disease, which affects the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. Even in the absence of new symptoms, the disease is a continuously active. Treatment is available in the form of injectable and oral medication but is not affordable by all as it is expensive. Symptoms of MS includes blurring of vision, double vision, tingling numbness of any part, imbalance of body while walking and as the disease progresses, there could be bladder dysfunction, cognitive changes and difficulty to walk. It is a disease that can lead to severe disabilities and dependency.
Vikram Hospital provides high-quality care in all clinical disciplines and has outstanding capabilities in Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Neurology, Neuro Surgery, Stroke and Epilepsy, Orthopaedic and Trauma Care, Spine Surgery, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Gastroenterology and Hepatobillary, Nephrology, Urology, Critical Care, Pulmonology, Endocrinology, Maxillofacial, ENT, Plastic Surgery, Medical and Surgical Oncology, Gynaecology, Cosmetology, Pediatrics, Dental and Dermatology. Vikram Hospital’s world-class medical care and expertise have delivered excellent clinical outcomes. The hospital offers comprehensive services in a compassionate and caring environment.
Dr. Rajesh B Iyer, Neurologist, Vikram Hospital, Bengaluru, said, “Multiple sclerosis affects predominantly young individuals between 20 - 40 years of age, women are more commonly affected. It's is at least two to three times more common in women than in men probably due the hormonal influences. Although MS was initially considered to be a disease affecting individuals in colder climates (Europe and North America), it is now being increasingly diagnosed in the Indian subcontinent. If diagnosed and treated early, disability can be prevented in most patients.”Dr. Jayachandran R., Neurologist at Vikram Hospital, Bengaluru, said, “Treatment for multiple sclerosis is divided into 1st line, 2nd line and 3rd line of therapies depending on severity of diseases. Studies are going on with bone marrow transplant. People suffering from multiple sclerosis needs to realize that the disease is controllable and that there are multiple treatment options available.”Dr. Somesh Mittal, CEO, Vikram Hospital Bengaluru said, “We need to create awareness about Multiple Sclerosis and a wide range of innovative therapies that are available today for patients suffering from MS. However most patients are unable to benefit from this development as they cannot afford these therapies and are not aware of the treatments. Vikram Hospital Bengaluru has been supporting MS patients by providing specific programs, treatments and regular consultation for MS patients within the hospital.”
Additionally the experts stressed on the importance of practicing regular yoga, exercises, meditation, positive attitude, has always helped in significant improvements while treating MS.
Mr. Shankar, MSSI Bangalore Chapter said, “We extend our deepest gratitude to the team at Vikram Hospital Bengaluru for their commitment and unhindered support to the cause. We are thankful to them for donating wheelchairs and for spreading awareness on MS.”