- 80% of healthcare professionals in India have shared patient information with other professionals inside their health facility, which is equal to the number of healthcare professionals who share patient information electronically across the 15-country average
- 76% of Indian healthcare professionals and healthcare professionals in the 15-country average are using digital health records (DHRs) in their hospital/ practice
- 46% in India use AI technologies within their healthcare practice and even more would be comfortable, regardless of whether they are currently using it, for:
- staffing and patient scheduling, 76% vs. 64% of healthcare professionals in the 15-country average
- patient monitoring, 74% vs. 63% of healthcare professionals in the 15-country average
- recommending treatment plans, 63% vs. 47% of healthcare professionals in the 15-country average
- diagnosis, 67% vs. 47% of healthcare professionals in the 15-country average
- Individuals in India are likely not worried that AI will substitute the human aspects of their healthcare experience, as only one in five (19%) associate AI with less human interaction compared to one-in-three (31%) individuals living within the 15-country average.
- A majority of Indian healthcare professionals who use DHRs in their practice report that DHRs have a positive impact on quality of care (90%), healthcare professional satisfaction (89%), and patient outcomes (70%) when compared to the 15-country average of 69%, 64% and 59% respectively
- 64% of Indian healthcare professionals agree that patients having access to their own health data (including test results, prescriptions, scans etc.) has positively impacted their patients’ experience.
- 87% of Indians with access to their digital health record say they want their healthcare professionals to have access as well
- About two-thirds (67%) of Indians feel comfortable or neutral about seeking medical advice from their doctor through a health application on their phone, suggesting a high willingness and openness to further adopt telehealth and unlock its benefits.
- About half (49%) of Indians say they know nothing at all about the benefits of digital health technology or mobile health apps in healthcare. Providing education and information around the benefits of these technologies will be key in taking Indians along this technological healthcare journey.