World Heart Day, 29 September
Globally, cardiovascular disease (CVD) accounts for 31 per cent of all deaths causing 17.3 million people to die every year, with 80 per cent of deaths taking place in low- and middle-income countries. Most of these deaths are avoidable. This is why World Heart Federation along with other organisations started World Heart Day to inform and educate people to take care of their heart health.
We bring together noted dignitaries from India to promote healthy heart and healthy habits.
Dr. Avinash Phadke, President Technology & Mentor (Clinical Pathology) from SRL Diagnostics
“The burden of cardiovascular disease in India has been growing steadily over the past few decades. Most women worry about breast cancer, but more women die from heart attacks than from cancer. In India cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of women. It’s an alarming situation as heart attacks appear differently in women than men and it is more fatal in the post menopausal women than it is in men. We should all work together to spread awareness in the society about this fact”Dr. Anshuman Kumar, Director – Surg. Oncology, Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, New Delhi
“World Heart Day is an initiative towards spreading awareness about preventable heart problems According to a study published in The Lancet Global Health India has one of the highest mortality rates worldwide due to heart failure. Various factors that are negatively impacting the health of the heart these days ,include ageing, changing lifestyles, eating habits, hypertension and rapidly evolving socio-economic determinants. Surprisingly, most of the heart patients we come across these days are youngsters who are becoming more prone to heart diseases because of various lifestyle reasons. So it’s important that after 25 years of age, a person should go for cardiology check-up on an yearly basis and should also visit a cardiologists in case of any alarming symptoms. Some of the tests that a person can undergo to keep a track of how the heart is functioning include Total Lipid Profile, ECG, ECHO, and Exercise Stress Test. We strongly recommend avoiding tobacco and alcohol consumption to address heart failure risks.
This World Heart Day lets pledge to abide by the current theme which is “Creating Heart-Healthy Environment” to ensure a longer and fitter life.”
Dr. Kirti Chadha, Head – Oncology (Group) & Surgical Pathology, MetropolisHealthcare"Every individual’s blood cholesterol level influences the chances of a heart disease. In fact, the higher the blood cholesterol level, the greater the risk for developing heart disease or having a heart attack. In Mumbai alone four out of ten people suffer from high cholesterol. Because high cholesterol doesn’t display any symptoms, only a blood test can accurately reveal its figures. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol builds up in the walls of your arteries, making them hard and narrow and three out ten people have high LDL and VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein). Triglycerides and cholesterol are separate types of lipids that are not absorbed in blood and therefore circulate in the body with the help of proteins that transport the lipids. High triglycerides are often a sign of other conditions that increase the risk of heart disease and stroke as well. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) also known as "good" cholesterol picks up excess cholesterol in your blood and takes it back to your liver where it's broken down and removed from your body. The alarming fact remains that six in ten people have Low HDL Cholesterol that signifies a greater risk for heart disease."Dr P V Suresh,Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist , Narayana Hrudayalaya
“CVD is the number one killer in the world. Each year, it’s responsible for 17.5 million deaths. Heart related problems are becoming more prevalent among Indians today. These are because of unhealthy lifestyle habits like - lack of exercise or inactivity, unhealthy diets, smoking and the increasing incidence of hypertension or stress. Many patients who visit me, often suffer from stress related issues, high blood pressure/ high cholesterol level, palpitation which are often early signs of heart related problems or CVDs and if they are not tackled on time can lead to a heart attack or even heart failure. It is advised to take small but significant steps towards being heart healthy like making exercise a daily routine, inculcate a habit of healthy eating, giving up smoking, having your blood pressure checked regularly, eating at least 5 portions of vegetables & fruits daily and visiting your doctor for getting your heart health checked to keep your heart healthy & strong.”Jitesh Mathur, National Sales Head, Health Systems, Philips India
“Long working hours, hectic lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits are the main causes behind the growing prevalence of sudden cardiac ailments in the country, also growing are the instances of sudden cardiac arrests. Following the celebration of World Heart Day and building on its commitment to help save lives, Philips Healthcare aims at relentlessly educating the common people about AED’s. Over years Philips conscientiously has been installing AED’s at public places and conducting training camps to ensure preparedness amongst people. We hope this will better prepare people to deal with a sudden cardiac arrest and potentially save lives.”