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VS Medical Trust launch VS Wellness on Wheels

The free cancer screening bus with its mobile health unit, will provide life-saving screenings and health services across North Chennai

The VS Medical Trust, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Madras, announced the successful launch and commencement of medical services of the VS Wellness on Wheels bus. The launch event was held at the official residence of Subramanian, Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Government of Tamil Nadu. VS Wellness on Wheels will be used for conducting cancer awareness and screening camps for the underprivileged free of cost.

The launch was attended by Prof Dr Subramanian, Senior Medical Oncologist, Founder Chairman, and Managing Director of VS Group of Hospitals, Rtn Ravi Sundaresan, President Rotary Club of Madras, Rotary International District 3232  and other dignitaries from the club, Prof Dr S Sundar, Medical Director and Senior Joint Replacement and Tumour Surgeon at VS Group of Hospitals, Muthu Subramanian, Executive Director of VS Group of Hospitals and the donors of the bus – Jain, Founder Chairman, Access Healthcare Sri EMC Palaniappan, MD, Chona Financial Services and Vinod Saraogi, Chairman, Go Colors also graced the occasion.

Prof Dr Subramanian underscored the escalating crisis of cancer in his address, stating, “With breast and cervical cancers on the rise, early detection is more critical than ever. The VS Wellness on Wheels bus will serve as a mobile health unit, providing life-saving screenings and health services across North Chennai and beyond, especially in areas where healthcare facilities are lacking.”

The VS Wellness on Wheels Bus, equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology, will provide mammograms and other cancer screenings to suburban and rural communities throughout Tamil Nadu. This project aims to offer early diagnosis opportunities and enhance the overall health and well-being of the population.

Rtn Ravi Sundaresan highlighted the importance of this initiative, noting, “The launch of this mobile unit marks the beginning of a new era in healthcare delivery. By bringing advanced medical services directly to the community, we are breaking down barriers to healthcare access and ensuring that even the most remote areas receive the care they deserve.”

He added, “The support from our magnanimous donors and the dedication of the VS Medical Trust and VS Hospitals teams are the driving forces behind this initiative. We are committed to extending the reach of quality healthcare to every corner of Tamil Nadu. We look forward to esteemed corporates, institutions, and industries coming forward to support this wonderful initiative. Including this in your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities can play a pivotal role in conducting health camps in rural areas in Tamil Nadu and beyond.”



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