- 35,50,00,000 - Menstruating Women and Girls in India | 71% - Have No Knowledge Of Menstruation Before Their First Period
- 82% girls use Alternatives, Such As An Old Cloth, Rags, Hay, Sand, Or Ash
- Only 18% use Sanitary pads
- 6,30,00,000 adolescent Girls That Live In Homes Without Toilet Facilities
- 88% Adolescent Girls Are Unaware Of The Health Implications That Could Occur Due To Poor Menstrual Hygiene
- Educating girls, women, boys and men of good menstrual hygiene practices.
- Enrolling citizens and existing menstrual hygiene product users in a supportive, taboo free environment to create an open forum for discussion and deliberation.
- Enhancing the sanitation sector of India by providing the best quality menstrual hygiene products at appropriate prices.