MES announcing the launch of YO® Home Sperm Test in India
IMT News Desk
Medical Electronic Systems (MES), a Los Angeles based technology company specializing in rapid Automated Semen Analysis, today announced the launch of YO® Home Sperm Test in India, a first-of-its kind video-based smartphone platform that is FDA-cleared to measure Motile Sperm Concentration (the number of moving sperm) which is a critical factor in determining male fertility. With 97% accuracy, YO® provides consumers the ability to both view and measure the number of motile (moving) sperm in their sample on their phone and from the comfort of their home and make male fertility testing an easy process.
India is experiencing a decline in fertility due to a variety of reasons such as poor lifestyle habits (smoking, overheating), pollution, age (postponing conception). Traditionally, concerns about fertility have focused primarily on women's fertility issues. However, there is a growing awareness that men's reproductive health issues also contribute to infertility.
The cause of infertility is equally shared by men and women. Approximately 40% of the problem is a female factor and 40% a male factor with the remaining 20% unexplained or a combined problem between the man and the woman. Yet, many times, the initial focus of a fertility assessment is on the woman and the man may not be tested until a full female work-up and treatment is unsuccessful, which could take a year or more. This delay in testing the male side of an infertile couple, plus the fact that couples are postponing having children until their 30's places the couple at greater risk of being childless and substantially increases their anxiety about conceiving.
In order to address the problem of delayed male testing and to eliminate the stressful public nature of male sperm analysis, the YO® Home Sperm Test kit was developed by Medical Electronic Systems. “YO® is both an accurate and private home test that provides a precise assessment of moving sperm concentration (MSC). Testing moving sperm is critical in a home test because, with a clear video to back it up, the results allow the man to approach the doctor with clear evidence of a problem. I see YO as a game changer in India and globally because of the profound need for a test of this type as a first step in the process of diagnosing male factor infertility in a timely basis,” said Dr. Vasan, a leading Uro-Andrologist in India is Chairman of Manipal Fertility, President-Elect of the South Asian Society for Sexual Medicine (SASSM) and has recently been appointed Secretary General of the Asian Society for Female Urology.
“We believe that there is a profound need for a device like YO® in India and we urge the medical fraternity to extend their support so that the product is made available to as many couples as possible in order to make their journey to parenthood a reality,” added Dr. Vasan.
The FDA and CE cleared YO® Home Sperm Test kit is sold online through the YO website or through AMAZON. It is delivered in a plain box for confidentiality. The simple, step-by-step app is downloaded free of charge from Google Play or the App Store. The YO Clip (a mini-microscope) is supplied in the kit with all the supplies required to run two tests on your Smartphone. The app is easy to follow and takes the user through step-by-step interactive screens and instructional animations to insure a smooth, easy-to-understand and secure testing experience with accurate results. There is also humor built into the Sperm Trivia Challenge, which is designed to interact with the user during the sample preparation wait time. YO® Home Sperm Test results are reported within minutes along with a video of the sperm. This provides both instant test results requiring no interpretation and a "wow" factor when the tester sees his sperm in action.
Since it takes a moving sperm to fertilize an egg in normal conception, assessing moving sperm concentration, like YO does, is critical for indicating male fertility potential. There are other factors such as abnormally shaped sperm or a low overall number of sperm that also impact male fertility so walking into your doctor’s office with an accurate assessment of moving sperm and your own sperm video, will substantially reduce the stress of facing additional testing when you already know you have a problem. With YO® Home Sperm Test, men can test themselves at home and receive 97% accurate and fast results very quickly.
YO® Home Sperm Test kit is available on the YO® website and on Amazon India for INR 1990. The kit contains supplies for two tests. Plans are already in place by MES for YO to individually track your sperm results over time and give you a YO SCORE result. This can help to assess the success of lifestyle changes made to improve your sperm quality.