Is there a better way than banning sale of syringes to curb the spread of drug abuse?
M Neelam Kachhap
Can you stop drug addiction by restricting the sale of syringes, asked industry experts after some districts in Punjab imposed complete ban on sale of syringes without prescription.
At least three district administrations, Faridkot, Bathinda and Fazilka have issued directives to medical stores to not sell syringes without a doctor's written prescription. The order issued by the deputy commissioner using the power under section 144 of CrPC will come into effect immediately and last till september 30, 2018.
"While the intent of solving a problem may be noble but the tool being used to manage the problem is questionable.This will amplify problem of Syringes reuse by Drug Addicts and accelerate spread of Hepatitis C in Punjab which already has highest Hepatitis B&C spreading from Drug Addicts to other patients in the already challenged healthcare system. Instead of Restriction to syringes access it would be more prudent to accelerate a switch to Auto Disable Syringes in Punjab and have a State policy similar to the one by Government of Andhra Pradesh to prevent reuse with the help of State Drug Controller to address this magnifying problem," said Rajiv Nath, Forum Coordinator Association of Indian Medical Device Industry (AIMED).